Jeffrey Fischer

Jeffrey Fischer
Name of Business or Owner: Jeffrey Fischer
Type of Company: Independent Contractor
Contact Name: Elyce Fischer
Office or Cell Phone Number: 954-464-5142
City: Coconut Cree
Home Office State: Florida
Main Office Zip Code: 33073
Aspen Grove Background Check: Aspen Grove Solutions ABC# – IC01 Rating
Services Offered: Insurance Inspections, Commercial Property Inspections, Vendor Management, Mystery Shopper, Auto Inspections, Data Entry, QC Services
State(s) of Coverage: Florida
Automated Data Processing: EZinspections, Property Prez Wizard
About Our Company:

We provide inspections; collateral, occupancy, vacancy, interior, quality control; loss drafts;

Counties Served: Broward
Palm Beach
Cities Served: North and South Florida
Zip Codes List: 33004, 33009, 33015, 33018, 33019, 33020, 33021, 33023, 33024, 33025, 33026, 33027, 33028, 33029, 33055, 33056, 33060, 33062, 33063, 33064, 33065, 33066, 33067, 33068, 33069, 33071, 33073, 33076, 33160, 33169, 33179, 33180, 33301, 33304, 33305, 33306, 33308, 33309, 33311, 33312, 33313, 33314, 33315, 33316, 33317, 33319, 33321, 33322, 33323, 33324, 33325, 33326, 33327, 33328, 33330, 33331, 33332, 33334, 33351, 33388, 33441, 33442.
33401, 33403, 33404, 33405, 33406, 33407, 33408, 33409, 33410, 33411, 33412, 33413, 33414, 33415, 33417, 33418, 33426, 33428, 33431, 33432, 33433, 33434, 33435, 33436, 33437, 33441, 33442, 33444, 33445, 33446, 33460, 33461, 33462, 33463, 33483, 33484, 33486, 33487, 33496, 33498.
  • Jeffrey Fischer

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Listing Title: Jeffrey Fischer