Register Here

[Please Read Before Registering]

After registering, click the Home button from the menu and then Submit a Listing. Use the Resources menu to copy your zip codes, cities and counties.  Your zip codes are the number one search criteria that most companies search for when searching for an inspector. Entering each individual zip code you service cannot be underestimated.

While submitting your listing, when it comes to your Category, be careful to list yourself properly.

The category is all about what YOU do and who YOU are.  Not what type of companies you work for.
You are NOT a Support Company if you also do inspections.  You are NOT a National unless you cover all 50 states (or a majority of them) conducting Mortgage Field Service inspections for banks directly.

Only check 1 main category, that allows others to know who you are.  Then pick a sub category to allow people to know what type of work you do, Inspections or Property Preservation, or both.

There are 3 main categories:

  • Independent Contractor
  • Regional Company
  • National Company

There are 2 additional Categories: (Only choose one of these 2 categories if you are an LLC type company that offers these services on a commercial basis nationwide.

  • REO/P&P Suppliers
  • Support Servcies

The 3 main categories is what 99% of New Registrants will choose.
Within those 3 main categories are 3 sub-categories

  • Inspections Only
  • Property Preservation Only
  • Both Inspections and Property Preservation

If you are an individual who conducts property inspections only, then select:

Independent Contractor:

If you are a Regional company who services 1 full state, (every zip code in that state) or more, and your services include inspections and Property Preservation, then select:

Regional Companies:
*Inspections and Property Preservation

ONLY select National if 51% of your clients are directly to banks and mortgage companies.
(Not your clients clients. YOUR clients!)

ONLY check the box for REO/P&P Suppliers if you are an LLC company who provides products to the industry such as lock-boxes, keys, preservation supplies, etc.

ONLY select Support Services if you are an LLC company who provide such services as QC, data entry, data processing, national computer repair and technical support services, management software services etc.

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